Signal Processing---ELEN427
A fourth year Elective Course
Course Brief &and Course Outline
Course Objective:
Signal Processing encompasses a wide variety of techniques for
performing useful operations on signals and has application in virtually
every engineering discipline. Therefore, the course is
structured as an introduction to signal processing techniques
in common use, mainly using digital signals -- hence Digital
Signal Processing. It is important to emphasize the first word
Digital. It is difficult, if not impossible, to develop a
decent understanding of the topic without getting
hands-on experience (ie messing around with computer simulation
packages). Thus one of the main course objectives is to familiarize the
student with the topic using the tools provided by the
software on the student network.
MANY of the tutorial problems that have been set relate
to exercises using matlab
. Note that my objective in setting
the tutorial problems is to pass on an understanding of the field of
Digital Signal Processing, not the ability to pass examinations. It is
useless to attempt the tutorial problems in the week before the
examination -- they are not suited to the task.
Prerequisite Knowledge.
Signal Processing draws on linear systems and communications background
knowledge, specifically:
- Linear Systems Concepts:
- Impulse response, convolution.
- Laplace Transforms:
- Transfer functions, poles, zeros, stability
- Fourier Transforms:
- Transfer functions, magnitude and phase response,
relations to the Laplace transform.
- Sampled Signals:
- Sampling theorem - Shannon, Nyquist. Aliasing,
Quantization, reconstruction of digital signals.
Prescribed Text
Oppenheim A.V and Shafer R.W Discrete-Time Signal Processing
Prentice-Hall 1989
Useful Texts:
Lynn P.A and Fuerst W Introductory Digital Signal Processing with
Computer Applications. John Wiley 1989.
Stanley W.D, Dougherty G.R and Dougherty R Digital Signal Processing
(2nd Edition) Reston Publishing Company 1984.
Oppenheim A.V. and Shafer R.W Digital Signal Processing Prentice Hall,
Ludeman L.C Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing John Wiley 1987
Baher H. Analog & Digital Signal Processing John Wiley 1990.
Almost any book with the generic title .... Digital Signal
Processing .... will probably be of benefit (Several are available in
the Engineering library).
Course Content:
- Further Linear Systems Concepts.
Review of Linear Systems; group delay; specification of filters in time
and frequency domain; approximation concepts of maximally flat and
equiripple responses; specification using magnitude squared functions;
std filters - Butterworth, Chebyshev, Elliptic etc; filter transformation
to high, band etc pass.
- Digital Filters.
Review of sampling concepts, aliasing etc; what is a digital filter?;
frequency response of digital filter, Laplace transform of digital
signal; z-transform \& properties; description of digital filter using the
z-transform; Design of Finite Impulse response Digital filters - Impulse
Invariant, Fourier Series with Windows, Frequency Sampling methods;
Design of Infinite Impulse Response Digital Filters - Impulse Invariant,
Bilinear z-transform.
- The Discrete Fourier Transform.
Review of the Fourier transform - continuous and discrete in time and
frequency domains; Properties of the DFT; the practical DFT - the fast
fourier transform, of FFT; Cost of computation - decimation in time,
frequency algorithms; Inverse transform; problems with the calculation of
the DFT - aliasing, leakage, picket-fencing; the selection of FFT
- Signal Analysis using the DFT.
Discrete Parseval's Theorem; Power Spectral Density; Cross Power
Spectrum; Auto & Cross Correlation; Convolution; Basic Averaging;
- Windows.
Standard Windows - Rect, Hanning, Hamming, Blackman, Kaiser.
Laboratory Experiment
This involves the design of a digital filter to meet individually prescribed
specifications. Unfortunately, the experiment will most probably be
performed ahead of the lecture material, so self-study is essential prior
to doing the laboratory. The filter designed by the student will be
downloaded to a DSP56001 signal processing system, and the filter's
performance is to be checked on an analogue to analogue basis. The
laboratory will count 10% of the total mark of the course.
The lab will probably run for a period of two, or perhaps three weeks only.
Notices will appear on the 4th year notice board and students will have to
book a time slot convenient to them. Laboratory reports are to be handed
within one week of performing the experiment at reception. Late
reports, and non existent reports will be penalized. It must be
remembered that marks are allocated according to the content and style of
the written report only - it must of an engineering standard.
Course Project
Each student is required to complete a project and submit a report on a topic
to be assigned. Again the report must be of engineering standard, and counts
30% of the total mark of the course. The project
date will be co-ordinated so as not to clash with the other course projects.
The project will have a three week duration. The student is expected to
spend no more than 20 hours on the project.
The examination will be of type 2 -- ie Bring in any calculator, and
One A4 crib sheet. The exam will count 60% towards the
final course mark. The examination will be structured in such a way as give
absolutely no advantage to the fancy calculators. Again, I am interested in
methods employed, and the understanding/reasoning behind them, and not
``one step ...''
Tutorial questions will be handed out during the course. The fifth
period on a Thursday will occasionally be used as a tut, as well as an
odd lecture or two, at my discretion. Again, it is important to note
that Digital Signal Processing is only really significant in the context
of a computer based system. For this reason many of the tut problems are
geared towards using matlab
. These tut problems are meant
to be done at the relevant time during the course to practically
highlight the concepts taught. Doing them at the end of the course will
simply be a waste of time!
You may obviously use any package you like, MathCad
springs to mind. I shall be using matlab
It is a common lament that the tut problems are geared towards
and that matlab
is not provided in the
examination. See comment in Course Objective!
I have what I call a Modified Open Door policy. I have a high regard
for the peer support system - it is often only when you are trying to teach
something to your fellows that it really sinks in. Hence when those
resources have been tapped, students are to see me as a group
at any
Appointments can be made through the secretary, but I prefer casual drop-
ins. Perhaps the best method is to send me a descriptive note on e-mail
) - and follow up on my reply.
However, if you have not been attending lectures or tuts, do not expect me
to be at your beck and call. This is especially true before the exam!!
Although the Senate has ruled that attendance at lectures is not compulsory,
various announcements about course content, laboratory, project and tutorial
schedules will be made in lectures.
Since 19 February