Electronics 1: Chapter 1 figs

Alan Robert Clark

April 19, 2022

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Note that the source code for the figs can be seen by clicking the pic. You will need to use your Browser’s BACK button to return to this page.
Figure 1: Typical Op-Amp symbol
Figure 2: A model of the Ideal Op-Amp
Figure 3: The Inverting configuration
Figure 4: The quest for a Virtual Earth
Figure 5: Equivalent circuit of the inverting Op-Amp
Figure 6: An Integrator configuration.
Figure 7: The Differentiator Configuration
Figure 8: The Weighted Summer
Figure 9: The non-inverting configuration
Figure 10: Equivalent circuit of the non-inverting Op-Amp
Figure 11: A Unity-gain voltage follower
Figure 12: A Difference Amplifier
Figure 13: Simple Intrumentation Amplifier
Figure 14: A Standard Instrumentation Amplifier
Figure 15: Usual view of Instrumentation Amp
Figure 16: A Model of the Offset voltage problem.
Figure 17: The problem of an offset voltage in closed loop
Figure 18: AC-Coupling the amplifier
Figure 19: Bias currents modelled as current sinks
Figure 20: Bias Currents causing an offset voltage.
Figure 21: The Pinouts for the 741

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